Tuesday, December 25, 2012


          Alright, so we can all just say I pretty much such at consistently updating my blog. I promise, I care! I just get so busy! I'll just lump everything together in this post and promise to start posting more!

         So first of all, last month, on November 29th, we celebrated Jared being gone for 3 whole months! WOW. Seriously? 3 months? Already? Time is flying by and I LOVE every single day of it. So to celebrate Jared being gone for 3 months, I made our favourite meal, Chicken Katsu. We got really good at making it out at BYU-I and made it whenever we had a chance! Now that I'm home, I get to make it for my family a lot, since they love it so much! I'm always reminded of Jared and all the fun times we had making it. I put 3 little candles in the rice that goes with it and made sushi, too! I blew the candles out and made a wish. :D
           Some days are longer than others, but every night, as I lay down to sleep, I have a little celebration of one more day he's done; one more success; one more soul blessed; one more day closer to eternity with the person who makes me the happiest. C: Every day is pure bliss, waiting, loving, helping, supporting, and helping him fulfill and magnify his calling as a missionary. <3 I sure do love him!

          The month of December was a little bit harder on me. Jared has been telling me he has a package for me, so I got sorta package/letter hungry and checked the mail every day to no avail. Oh well! Something will come at some point, and at least that means he's too busy serving the Lord to write me! He'll find time at some point to write me! In the mean time, the weekly emails we exchange are amazing, uplifting, and super-amazing. <3 I'm so blessed, so lucky, and so loved.

So today was Christmas. Which is kind of the best day ever considering I GOT TO SKYPE WITH HIM TODAY!!! AHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!! Holy crap. It was basically the best thing in the whole world. Ever. We got to skype for about 2 hours total. It was just pure bliss. <3 Some silly quotes from the conversation:

Him: "Well, you're just cute in general, so..." <3

Me: "Nice tie, where'd you get it?
Jared: "Some weird girl sent it to me."

Jared: " This is the best Christmas ever."

          Needless to say, it really was one of the best Christmases ever. I loved every single second of our conversation. As soon as I saw him and heard his voice, it was as if he never left. All of my memories of the two of us, all of my favourite times were sitting right there in front of me and all I could do was smile. It was just like us. We were just two best friends getting to talk to each other again. He's so worth the wait. :3

"I love you, Sam! Oh! And I love you guys, too!"

       I just wanna thank his family for allowing me to be such a big part of his mission. For being so supportive of us and loving me enough to include me in things like this. I appreciate it more than they will ever know. I love each and every one of them so very much, and I don't know what I'd do without their love and support in everything I do, and everything Jared does, and everything we do together.  

 In other news, in a couple days, on the 29th, I'll be celebrating Jared being gone for 4 months. WHAT?! AHHHHHHHH. 4 months down mean....20 MONTHS TO GO! How cool is that?! After that, we'll be in the teens! HOLY POOP!  Time is just flying! I'll post pictures of my celebration then!

Until next time!