Sunday, March 10, 2013

Achievement Unlocked! 6 months completed!

I've SERIOUSLY been slacking; and for that, I apologize. 
I need to get better at this blogging thing. For reals.

Anyway, this post is going to be about Elder Sellers being gone for 6 months!

           On February 28th, (since there was no February 29th), I celebrated this huge milestone by making homemade BBQ Chicken pizza! Wow. 6 months? 1/4 of his mission? I only have to do that 3 more times? 18 more fast Sundays? 3 more general conferences?

Oh yeah.
I got this.
Are you kidding me?
Easy-peasy lemon squeezy.

I honestly can't believe he's been gone for nearly 7 months. You guys, he's growing so much. He really is. Elder Sellers is currently in Las Vegas! He's training a new greenie, Elder Colton.

 Jared says Elder Colton is 18 years old and very excited to do missionary work. Jareds love for the Gospel and the happiness it brings to people grows every single day. He's becoming the man God needs him to be and it's such a privilege and honour to be apart of this experience, to watch him grow and to grow with him as well. It's a blessing to be waiting for him. 

As I prepare to serve my own mission, I can't help but think about how hard Jared works, how much he gives, and how much he learns. I begin to have an overwhelming sense of pride for him. He loves the Lord and the work that he's been asked to do, and I can't wait to serve the Lord with all my heart, might, and mind, just like my missionary. I can't wait to grow as much as he does, to have the spirit working miracles through me 24/7 as I serve my Heavenly Father.

I can't begin to express how happy I am every day as I wait for this boy, everyone. I've been blessed so far during this wait in that it has been so easy. I haven't once been sad, haven't cried, haven't felt alone. I was actually telling my Mom the other day how funny everything is: In my emails with Jared, we're still the same, still sharing the same little concerns and thoughts we normally would. Last week, he discussed with me his desire to purchase a rice cooker, and what he was going to start cooking for his lunches. 
I couldn't help but laugh. It was just 

I love him so much.
I love him more than I love Taco Bell.

That is all.

Until next time, everyone! 
(Which hopefully won't be too long)

-Samantha J Stanley