Tuesday, January 8, 2013

Hooooly crap.

This will be a rant, so I apologize in advance.
So my mission papers are almost in, which is AWESOME, right?
Key word here: Almost.

EVERYTHING is done except my physical and dental. I'll be going in to finish up all my physical stuff by the end of this week, if everything comes back positive. So hopefully that'll get done so I can check it off finally.
Bad news: I went and had my dental examination. I have a butt-ton of cavities that need filled and my two bottom wisdom teeth need to be removed. Even worse news: Guess who doesn't have any dental insurance? This girl  right here.

I'm stuck here and it just sucks real bad. I just want to have my mission papers in already. I can't tell who's hand is in this, Heavenly Father or Satan? Who's putting this off?
Am I supposed to be in a certain place at a certain time for a specific person and that's why it's taking so long to get these in? Or is Satan just trying to push it all back and make it hard for me to serve? The glass is half full, so I'm siding with the Lord and trusting His will.

It's still hard though, and I'm still just getting super frustrated and stressed out. I just wanna pick up my phone  and call my best friend and tell him everything and then he'd say, "It's okay, Sam. We got this."

We do got this though. :)
Although...Going about 2 1/2 months without a letter kinda sucks. I know, I know. I get emails every week. I'm so so so so sooooo lucky. But nothing compares to those letters. I'll get one eventually. C: And when I do, it'll rock. A lot.

Well, that's my rant. Sorry about that, everyone!
Thanks for reading! :)

I feel a little better now. <3
-Samantha Stanley

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