Wednesday, November 7, 2012

It's November! November is probably my favourite month EVER. Not because my birthday is on November 15th or anything....

          Oh wait. Just kidding. IT IS. I'll be 20 years old! Oh my word of wisdom!! Also, is this not just the greatest thing in the history of EVER? It sure is to me! I'm so close to being finished with my mission papers! Holy cow! I hope to have them done by the end of the month. I'm so ready to get out there and serve the Lord with everything I have in me. :)

          In other news, school is going well, i'm working A LOT. I just got promoted, so that came with a pay raise! More mission funds! Yeah!! I got a calling in my ward: I'm a Primary Worker! I teach a class of 3 kiddos, my step-sister being one of them. I'm so excited!! :) Life is going very well for me!

          I've been thinking a lot lately though. Having Jared be on his mission has been so easy for me. I feel like every experience I've had in my life has lead up to this. The way my childhood played out, my Father passing away, me moving away from Jared, him going out to school a year before I did, all the while, us never being 'together' until this year. I just feel like I was prepared for this. It's been so....easy. I mean, of course I miss him, of course I can't wait till we both get home, but right now? I'm just living my life while he lives his and our paths will back up; simple as that. The waiting has been easy because I find joy in everything about it. I learned that from my Dads death. I learned how to think of the best memories, smile, rejoice in them, and not to think about him not being physically THERE, because he wasn't, nor was he going to be. Jared however, WILL come back, so it's exciting to think that even though I can't hug him or hold his hand now, I'll be able to again. I really think that my Father passing away was something meant to build me up for this experience in some ways. It was so easy to send him off because I had just been READY for that chapter in my life to start. I was ready, and so was he.

          I'll close by just sharing one of my favourite memories of us that I've been thinking about lately. It's nothing big, it's actually pretty simple. This summer, we were in Coronado Beach with his family, visiting some of their relatives on the way home from BYU-I. We had gone swimming in the ocean and slacklining on the beach that evening, which was super fun. :) Later that night, we had dinner at a really yummy restaurant and then we went to see fireworks at Sea World. That's the memory: fireworks at Sea World. We'd gotten out of the car, it was cold, and we were sitting on the sidewalk right along the river and the fireworks were literally directly above us. It was just such a fun moment in time that I will never forget. I was just so in love with him in that one moment for some reason.


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