Tuesday, October 23, 2012

♥ Our Story ♥

The day he was set apart.
          I guess the best place to start is at the beginning! First of all, welcome to my blog! I've never done this before, so it's a very fun, new experience that i'm excited to do! I guess i'll introduce myself! My name is Samantha. :) I'm a 19 year old college student from Ohio. I attended BYU-Idaho for a year. I am currently at home in Kentucky taking online classes and working! I'm a yo-yo enthusiast, an artist, a missionaries girlfriend, and most importantly, I'm a Mormon.
          My Missionary: his name is Jared. He is my very best friend in the whole wide world! I love him to pieces. He is serving in the Nevada Las Vegas West Mission! He loves it out there, loves the people he's serving, and loves the gospel. He is 20 years old. He left on his mission on August 29th, 2012! He is the coolest yo-yo'ing, fire juggling, slack-lining, shoe-painting, sweetheart of a man and it's unbelievable I get the privilege to call him mine.
The first picture I have of us. I look like a dork.
          Anyway, back to this 'starting at the beginning' part: Here we go! 6 years ago, on a crisp day in October, I never would have thought that my life was about to change forever. I met the love of my life on October 13th, 2006. I was 13 years old; he was 14. We were at a birthday party of a mutual friend of ours. He still remembers the outfit I was wearing when we met. A couple stake dances later and emails were exchanged and the rest is history. :) I remember that first phone call, the first email, the first everything. But mostly, I just remember falling head over heels in love with this kid. But, as a 14 year old, nobody really believed I was really 'in love.' Heck, I didn't really know if I was either. I just knew that I wanted this boy to share every experience I would ever have in my life with me forever. So for the next 6 years, we did just that. He was my first date on my 16th birthday, my first kiss, and my first love. He's been my best friend, my confidante, my first thought when I wake up and my last thought before I fall asleep. For 6 years, he'd always told me that "we shouldn't date, we shouldn't date, not before he left on his mission, I think we should just continue being best friends. If I ever have a girlfriend before my mission, it will be you. You're everything to me." I would just smile and count myself lucky that I was his everything, regardless of what we called each other. In the summer of 2008, I moved to Kentucky because my mom got remarried. Holy crap. That was a hard thing to do. There were many countless nights I spent crying myself to sleep, missing him, missing home, but he helped me through it. I went back to visit all the time though, so it wasn't as hard as moving across the country. I moved back to Ohio during my senior year so I could graduate with all my friends. That was a very fun year!
          He graduated high-school 1 year before I did, so I was home in Ohio for my senior year in high school while he was a freshman out at BYU-Idaho. It was hard having him leave, but I knew it would be ultimately the best thing. While he was out there, he admits to having a crush on a girl. Being his best friend, of course I had to fully endorse it! I was genuinely happy for him, yet at the same time, hurt beyond comprehension. Time goes on and he asks me if I think he should ask this girl to be his girlfriend. Of course I say yes. How could I deny him that happiness? He was growing so much, becoming someone I was so proud of, my best friend was really growing and I wasn't going to stunt that growth! So I told him to do it. He does so, they get together, and my heart breaks. Oh boy does my heart just...break. What was I? I masochist? Who was I to him now? His best friend? I couldn't be, that was her role now. I was confused, lost, heart-broken and hurt.
          Time goes on, they're happy together. I start to ask him what's going to happen when I come out that summer. (He and this girl had began dating in the spring and I was coming out in the summer.) We were both confused. I wanted him to be happy, regardless of whether it was his girlfriend or myself making him happy. So...I get out to BYU-Idaho. Surprise surprise, we're still just as in love as we always had been. I tried not to let that show, though. I tried to bury everything down so that he could be the happiest one. Drama drama drama. A LOT of drama ensues. The semester ends, he goes home, his girlfriend goes home, and they try to figure out if they want to stay together or not. While all that is going on, I stay out at BYU-I and meet someone else. He asks me out, I say yes and we date. My whole thought process through this was: ' Jared didn't want me anymore, he had a girlfriend, he wasn't showing any interest in me, but we were still the best of friends'. The guy that I start dating asks me to marry him. .......What? I said yes. Why did I say yes? I was settling. I didn't think anyone else would want me. Turns out, he was an abusive, cheating, lying jerk who got kicked out of school. During all this, I didn't tell Jared a lot of details, I would keep a lot of secrets and I really lost his trust during this time.
          Jared comes back to school the following winter semester. YAY!! Being re-united with my best friend was the BEST. And, long story short, he fights the big bad monster away. He had my heart all along. Then...after 6 long years of being best friends, of always being there for each other, of phone calls until 4 in the morning, 100's of saved text messages, many sleepless nights and many other things: He asked me out. OH MY GOSH. OH MY GOSH. HE ASKED ME OUT. I think that was one of the happiest nights of my life. My best friend was now my boyfriend, after 6 years. Wow. I still smile and get chills thinking about it. :)
That was in January of 2012.
          Life has never been better after that. We were inseparable. Communication and love thrived in our relationship, everything was going better than we ever thought it could be. I spent this past summer on vacation with him and his family right up until the day he left on his mission. He is my everything. :) Waiting for him has been a lot easier than I thought it would be. I do miss him, I do love him, I cannot WAIT for him to come home, but over all? I'm totally fine. And here's the twist! I'm going on a mission, too! He's always loved and supported me going, and cannot wait to hear where i'll be serving. I can't wait, either!
          So I guess in this blog, my main posts will be about things i'm doing during the wait, special things he says or does, good times, bad times, happy memories, songs, etc.

I'm just a girl, in love, and waiting for her best friend, her love, her missionary. 

If you have any questions about anything, just want to talk, or whatever, feel free to ask! 


1 comment:

  1. This is really cute, Sam! I had no idea how it all went down :D Such a cute love story, and i'm so happy for you guys!

